
MADEINTYO – “Chocolate Shake”

blame it on Patrick Glynn March 8, 2016

Enhanced by the recent success of “Uber Everywhere,” MADEINTYO‘s ability to deliver hooks that attach themselves to your temporal lobe has become a clear talent. There’s an easy-going simplicity to TYO’s music, which plays very well into the trends of today. From the ear-screeching “SKR SKR” in “I Want” and surrounding songs to the hook in his most famous song to date, he seems to know a song nowadays can grab ahold of millions with a simple, repeatable line. (That’s less of shade toward musicians today rather than it is at most of the people consuming it. Hell, that’s kind of how music’s been for a minute.) They’re modern-day earworms.

This is the case with MADEINTYO’s new loosie, “Chocolate Shake.” Though the quality isn’t at your preferred CDQ, the Atlanta-shaped artist dabbles once again with hooks that aims to repeat itself over and over. “Pull up on a bih like ‘RAH'” doesn’t mean much at all, but in today’s music climate, it’s something that could wind up as the sensation of the summer. Or, it’ll just be another song in MADEINTYO’s SoundCloud stream. Either way, he doesn’t lose.

Stream the C4 and Wheezy-produced “Chocolate Shake” below.