
MISSING FOUND: Caleb Guyton (5)

blame it on Shake December 26, 2011

I’m Carl Guyton (AGACEE), my son Caleb Guyton (5), whom I have SOLE CUSTODY of, was on a weekend visit with his mother Veronica Michelle Benson (29) beginning Friday Dec. 16th and was to return him by 4pm Sunday December 18th. She didn’t, and I ended up contacting her mom, who in turn stated that she hadn’t seen Veronica in some hours, or spoken to her. I called the police around 5:30 pm Sunday, they wrote up a report. Monday Veronica, and I were due in court, I showed up, she didn’t. My son missed school as well. Fast forward, I’ve been speaking with Veronica’s mom about her whereabouts to no avail, and also Veronica’s older sister. The detective and other officers said this was a civil manner, not yet criminal, and they were gonna do what they can to get my child back. I was met with profane language from Veronica’s mother Wednesday morning for giving her number to the police. I’m worried Veronica may have left Chicago. I spoke with another member of her family, and he overheard Veronica’s mom stating that Veronica called her from Midway Airport saying she was leaving town (on Saturday Decemeber 17th) She may be in ATLANTA I’m definitely more than worried. Veronica may be using an alias, (Vee Michelle or Michelle Vee) I’m not sure. I just want my son back. SAFELY…The detective on my case has been off work Friday through Sunday, and no one was on my case for the weekend, which is precious time for the whereabouts of my son to be located. I NEED HELP…there has been no amber alert or nothing placed on this case.

If you will be so kind to forward this email to EVERYONE in your list, make phone calls etc…I would greatly appreciate it. If you have a website post the pics, get the word out. I need you! Enclosed are a few pics of her and my son. The most recent pic is of him at age 5 with the blue Cars polo.

Damn. UPDATE: Caleb has been found!