
G.R.A.M.Z – “John Carpenter” (Video)

blame it on Meka May 1, 2015

Interesting (albeit, quasi-unrelated to this video) bit of information: this video, taken from G.R.A.M.Z‘s upcoming project Escape From NY, is named after the famed director of the film Escape From NY. In the film, the main protagonist, S.D. Bob “Snake” Plissken, would ultimately be the primary source of inspiration for the main protagonist of Metal Gear Solid, Solid Snake. Solid Snake even went by the name “Iroquois Pliskin” in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty, paying homage to the charactor who was brought to life by actor Kurt Russell.

That has been your random nerd-out moment, brought to you by the good folks of the DopeHouse.