
Atmosphere Drops Surprise Album, ‘Whenever’

blame it on Shake December 13, 2019

Without warning, Atmosphere comes through with a brand new album called Whenever that delves into new thematic territory while bringing a new perspective to their exploration of what it means to be a human.

Turning a page after last year’s Mi Vida Local, Slug uses Ant’s bluesy, funk-inspired soundscapes to close out the decade with a powerful reclamation of his feelings and actions in spite of (or in acceptance of) the unpredictable twists and turns of life.

“This project is quietly about reclamation,” Slug says. “When we are overly affected by our surroundings, we sometimes have to step back, look at it from afar, and reclaim ourselves. Take agency of our own feelings, history, visions, and actions. If we don’t, we become a puppet/tool of our own circumstances. Inspiration, much like love and death, can happen Whenever.”

Locked in at 12 tracks, Atmosphere’s 10th studio effort comes equipped with features from Murs, Nikki Jean, Gifted Gab, Musab, Muja Messiah, and Haphduzn. Check it out below and add it wherever you get music.