
Injury Reserve Return with New Album, ‘By The Time I Get To Phoenix’

blame it on Shake September 15, 2021

Injury Reserve‘s new album has arrived; which in itself is a bitter sweet moment for the Arizona-based group.

A little over a year after the release of their self-titled debut, band member Jordan Alexander Groggs tragically passed away while they were working on a proper follow-up. Taking time to deal with the loss and and attempt to figure out life without their loved one, the duo of Ritchie With a T and Parker Corey decided to press forward and finish up the album while staying true to Groggs’ constant insistence to “make some weird sh*t” while recording.

“Obviously this album is dedicated to Jordan Alexander Groggs, aka Stepa J. Groggs with one p better get it right,” IR says. “Typing here feels small in the space of your real physical absence but you, your voice and your words continue to echo around us all thru these recordings and so many others and everything else. Thank you for your time, we love and miss you, of course of course.”

Named after the love Groggs had for Isaac Hayes’ rendition of “By The Time I Get To Phoenix,” the album arrives at 11 tracks with a lone contribution from Bruiser Brigade’s own Zelooperz on track three.

Press play and be sure to add Injury Reserve’s By The Time I Get To Phoenix wherever you get music.